
Whether you are looking to get fit, gain financial freedom, meet the man or woman of your dreams or grow or start a business, everyone begins with the same question: How do I get from where I am to where I want to be? No matter what your goal or problem to solve, there are 6 key steps in the process of transforming your life:

Step 1: Clarify what you want. (What is your heart's desire?) Step 2: Find the why. (What is your motivation?) Step 3: Inhabit what it will feel like (not just look like) to have what you desire. Step 4: Remove blocks and obstacles standing in your way, such as limiting beliefs and fears. Step 5. Take meaningful action (which becomes easier the more clear, motivated and obstacle-free you are) and Step 6. Surround yourself with support and people who stretch you toward your greater potential. 

Each step is vitally important and all steps work together to create the momentum, clarity and passion for change. I particularly love uncovering the "Why" in Step 2. It's a powerful question, one that children ask so often and freely. This process of inquiry is like peeling an onion, removing each layer until you get to the deepest part of your desire. It is often not enough to know what you want. For momentum to shift and for changes to truly stick, one must tap into the inner emotional need driving you. Our individual goals may differ, but when we follow the thread (or onion peel) to its completion, we arrive at the same destination. In the end, we all want the same things: freedom, love, certainty, security and a better quality of life. Having financial abundance, excellent health and energy and an organized home may seem like the end goal, but these are really just paths to get there. 

One of the best ways to unpack your "Why" is to ask it several times in a row -- like the child who is curious about everything under the sun. Every time you answer "why", ask it again until you get to that place of emotional resonance. Other great questions to ask are: What about that is important? What will that mean for me? Even better, have a trusted friend ask them for you. It is often helpful to have an objective presence to help you get into deeper reflection.

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